Little Rock Scripture Connections Newsletter
March 2023
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Connections Banner March 23

Precarious Living

by Amy Ekeh

At Lent retreats, I used to ask participants if they had ever been to the desert. But after moving to Connecticut, I finally stopped. Everyone said no. Except a few who would ask, “Does Las Vegas count?”

No, Las Vegas does not count.

Have you ever been to the desert? 

I have. I understand what the desert is all about. It is quiet, still, empty, beautiful, harsh, and dangerous. In the desert, you are always one false move away from needing something desperately. Like water or shade or an antidote for a snake or spider bite. Yes, my desert had tarantulas.

In the desert you face your own fragility and the fragility of those around you. All it takes is that mercilessly hot West Texas sun to remind you that your place in the universe is small and precarious. Survival is not a given.

Jesus spent forty days in the desert. Israel spent forty years. Days and years of precarious living. Days and years of facing one’s own weakness, accepting that survival is not a given, looking beyond oneself or one’s environment for certainty. 

Leaning heavily upon God alone, Jesus and Israel emerged from their deserts. Israel settled in a new land and embarked upon an enormous task, to live faithfully as God’s people. Jesus was strengthened and resolved for mission, to tell God’s story to the human race and to love his own to the end.

We speak of Lent as our desert time. In this desert, do we recognize how fragile we are, how precarious life is, how the structures and things we depend on for security are one false move away from falling around us like a house of cards? 

Precarious living is actually Gospel living. It recognizes that total dependence on God is where true strength is found. The trials of the desert are where we meet God and live only by what God offers—living water, the shadow of God’s wing, and the antidote of divine love. 

From Lent, from life, from desert, we may not emerge unscathed. But we can emerge as God’s own, strengthened, emboldened for mission, and “filled with the power of the Spirit” (Luke 4:14). 



Amy Ekeh is the director of Little Rock Scripture Study and the author of
Lent: Season of Transformation. This reflection originally appeared at





Have you tried
Alive in the Word?
Just 3 sessions—excellent for small group faith-sharing or personal reflection. Try our popular Lent and Easter titles!




L.A.Congress 2023

We had a great time at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress! If you've never been, consider attending in 2024. Thousands of Catholics from all over the country come together to learn, pray, explore new resources, and enjoy fellowship. And you can stop by and see us at the Liturgical Press booth!


LRSS groups providing hospitality

We've been hearing some great hospitality ideas from our LRSS groups! Bible study groups in Maryland and Arkansas shared that they've hosted Friday Lenten Soup Suppers at their parish, and one group in North Carolina provided hospitality for their parish's RCIA group. This gave them opportunity to support those coming into full communion with the church and invite them to join their Bible study group after Easter. We know that many of your groups are finding meaningful ways to be present and serve within their parishes and wider communities. Thank you for putting the Word into action!

Interview with Mahri Leonard-Fleckman and Amy Ekeh about Ponder

Today's America Catholic recently hosted an interview with author Mahri Leonard-Fleckman and editor Amy Ekeh about Ponderhow it was created, the meaning of "contemplative Bible study," and the value of a lectionary-based approach to Bible study. Several groups that use Ponder attended and shared their questions and thoughts as well. Thanks to Michael Centore at TAC for hosting us!


It's time to plan for summer Bible Study!

Has your Bible study group tried a Summer Bible Study? It's a great way to stay connected between spring and fall studies. Try one of our shorter studies such as The Sermon on the Mount (4 weeks), or one of our 3-session Alive in the Word volumes, such as Hope or Hospitality. Or consider a "drop-in" Bible study throughout the summer using Ponder to pray with and discuss the Sunday readings. This approach works well for summer when folks are in and outthey can "drop in" when they're available, and not worry when they're not! As always, feel free to reach out to Amy Ekeh with questions or to discuss ideas for your next study: 320-363-2081 or 


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